Rubus parvifolius
Rubus parvifolius
Rubus parvifolius, or Native Raspberry, is a low-growing, scrambling thorny shrub native to Australia, commonly found in woodlands, forests, and along creek lines. It features slender, arching stems that are lightly thorny, small, divided green leaves, and clusters of delicate pink flowers that bloom in spring and summer. These flowers are followed by small, bright red, edible berries with a sweet-tart flavour, which are highly attractive to birds and other wildlife.
Native Raspberry thrives in well-drained soils and tolerates full sun to partial shade, making it an excellent choice for native gardens, understory plantings, and wildlife-friendly landscapes. Its dense growth helps to stabilize soil, prevent erosion, and suppress weeds, while its berries provide a food source for humans and animals alike.
With its edible fruit, ecological benefits, and low-maintenance nature, Rubus parvifolius is a versatile and valuable addition to sustainable gardens, revegetation projects, and habitat restoration efforts.