Seed Collection and Seedbank
We have over 370 species of plants in our seedbank, and collect from more than 250 sites across greater Melbourne.
Seed collection is an essential process for preserving biodiversity and maintaining genetic diversity, especially in regions like Melbourne, where native and indigenous plant species are under threat from habitat loss. But what exactly is seed collection, and why is it so important?
At its core, seed collection involves gathering seeds from plants in their natural environments. However, it's not as simple as picking a seed from a flower.
The plants we choose for our landscapes matters. These can be Native, i.e. these plants originate from Australia. They can be Indigenous, meaning the species is endemic locally to an area, i.e. just Victoria, or even just one growing site. If they grow in just one smaller geographical area, they may be described as having Local provenance, meaning they’ve evolved over long periods to adapt specifically to the local conditions. This local provenance is crucial for ensuring the plants we grow are acclimatized to the area and can thrive in their natural habitat.
At our facility, we house one of the largest seed banks of Native and Indigenous plants in Victoria. This seed bank helps us supply the horticulture industry with difficult-to-find species that are not only native but also indigenous, providing the specific local provenance needed for biodiversity projects. With thousands of species in our seed bank, we are able to cultivate more than 3 million plants per year, contributing significantly to conservation and landscape restoration efforts.
Email us at to get in touch about seed collection for your project
Why Local Provenance Matters
Local provenance is vital because it preserves the genetic diversity of plant populations that have evolved in a specific area. Plants with local provenance are best suited to thrive in the unique conditions of that area. When it comes to projects such as nature repair, revegetation, and urban greening, using seeds and plants that have evolved in the same environment ensures that the plants will be resilient and sustainable, contributing to the long-term health of ecosystems.
In Melbourne, our natural environment is rapidly changing due to urban development and climate change. As we lose precious local ecology to habitat destruction, it’s more important than ever to protect and restore these plant species that support not just the plants themselves but also the animals, insects, and broader ecosystems that rely on them.
The Art and Science of Seed Collection
Seed collection isn’t just about finding plants—it’s a process that requires an understanding of both ecology and horticulture. Seed production is highly variable and depends on local seasonal characteristics. Most indigenous species in Victoria require high moisture levels, extended periods of heat, or specific conditions to produce viable seeds. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen every year.
Our highly trained ecologists spend considerable time identifying suitable collection sites and the best times to collect high-quality seeds. Climate change is already affecting our ability to gather viable seeds, as shifting weather patterns disrupt the cycles these plants depend on. Careful planning and timing are crucial to ensure the collection of viable seed that can be stored and propagated.
We have all the required permits to collect seeds and permission to access specific sites for seed collection from the relevant land managers.
Sustainable seed collection is carried out in line with Government guidelines as outlined in the required permits. Our permit allows us to collect protected flora with some limitations on endangered species. Sustainable collection is collection taken from healthy sizeable populations where we only collect less than 10% of reproductive material.
Once the seeds are collected, the process of turning them into viable plants is another challenge altogether.
Seed Germination: An Art Form
Getting seeds to germinate is not just about planting them in soil and waiting. Many native and indigenous seeds have evolved to remain dormant until conditions are just right. Overcoming this dormancy requires horticultural expertise and knowledge of specialized treatments. These treatments can include smoke, cold stratification, heat, scarification, or simply time for the embryo within the seed to mature.
For example, highly demanded species like Lomandra longifolia or Banksia integrifolia can show significant variability depending on their seed provenance. Sourcing seeds from the correct local area ensures plants are suited to the unique conditions of that environment, making them more likely to thrive, or being more suited to the original design intent of your landscape.
For most native species in the Greater Melbourne area collection takes place over the Summer with a few outliers in the autumn. The key to seed collection is knowledge of what the species looks like, where it likes to grow and timing of ripeness. In order to collect native species that are genetically close to being true to their species is to collect from remnant sites and sites that we know have seed collected, grown and planted from local providence areas.
At our native and indigenous plant nursery, we take pride in understanding these complexities and using our knowledge to provide the highest quality plants for conservation and biodiversity projects.
The Future of Seed Collection and Biodiversity
As climate change continues to impact seed availability and the conditions for plant growth, our ability to collect and preserve these seeds becomes more crucial. Our seed bank plays a vital role in ensuring that these species are available for future generations, helping to repair and restore the ecosystems that Melbourne and Victoria depend on.
For those undertaking nature repair, revegetation, or landscape restoration, sourcing seeds and plants with local provenance is critical. We provide seed collection services and grow these plants at scale, contributing to projects that aim to preserve the biodiversity and natural beauty of our region.
By choosing to use native and indigenous plants with local provenance, we can all play a part in protecting the unique ecosystems of Melbourne and ensuring that they continue to thrive in the face of ongoing environmental challenges.