Isolepis inundata
Isolepis inundata
Isolepis inundata, or Swamp Club-rush, is a delicate, clump-forming perennial sedge native to Australia, commonly found in wetlands, shallow water bodies, and seasonally inundated areas. Growing up to 50 cm tall, it features fine, upright, bright green stems with small, rounded, brownish flower clusters near the stem tips that appear from spring to summer. Its graceful form adds a soft, natural aesthetic to wetland landscapes.
Swamp Club-rush thrives in waterlogged soils and tolerates full sun to partial shade, making it ideal for wetland rehabilitation, riparian planting, and water-sensitive landscaping. Its fibrous root system stabilizes soils and helps filter sediments, improving water quality in aquatic ecosystems. The plant also provides habitat and shelter for wetland fauna, including frogs, insects, and small birds.
With its subtle beauty, ecological benefits, and adaptability, Isolepis inundata is a versatile and valuable species for wetland restoration, biodiversity enhancement, and sustainable landscaping projects.