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Goodenia humilis

Goodenia humilis

Goodenia humilis, or Swamp Goodenia, is a mat-forming perennial herb in the Goodeniaceae family, native to Australia. Growing up to 20 cm tall, this low-growing species features tufted, fleshy linear leaves, which can also be widest near the tip, measuring up to 10 cm long and 0.8 cm wide. From November to March, it produces distinctive yellow flowers with two upright petals and two downward-facing petals, a hallmark of the Goodenia genus. The flowers grow in groups on branched stems that extend just beyond the leaves, creating an eye-catching display.

Swamp Goodenia thrives in damp environments, commonly found in riparian areas, wetlands, and wet heaths. It often forms extensive carpets of vibrant yellow flowers along wetland verges as water recedes in early summer. This mat-forming habit stabilizes soil and prevents erosion, making it a valuable species for wetland restoration and riparian rehabilitation projects. Its distinctive, winged seeds aid in dispersal, allowing it to colonize new areas effectively.

With its striking floral carpets, adaptability to wet conditions, and ecological benefits, Goodenia humilis is a valuable plant for wetland restoration, biodiversity enhancement, and naturalistic landscaping. Its ability to thrive in damp habitats while contributing to erosion control and providing habitat for insects makes it a standout species for water-sensitive and ecological design projects.

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