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Eucalyptus obliqua

Eucalyptus obliqua

Eucalyptus obliqua, or Messmate Stringybark, is a tall, majestic tree native to southeastern Australia, commonly found in forests and woodlands, including cool temperate rainforests. Growing up to 90 meters tall in optimal conditions, it features rough, fibrous stringybark covering the trunk and larger branches, paired with lance-shaped green leaves. Its creamy-white flowers bloom in summer and autumn, providing nectar for birds, bees, and other pollinators.

Thriving in a range of well-drained soils and tolerating both frost and drought, Messmate Stringybark is a hardy species well-suited to large landscapes, shelterbelts, and habitat restoration. It plays a vital ecological role, offering food and shelter to native wildlife and contributing to the health of forest ecosystems. The tree is also valued for its durable timber, widely used in construction and furniture making.

With its towering presence, ecological value, and practical uses, Eucalyptus obliqua is a versatile and important species for sustainable forestry, habitat creation, and landscape restoration.

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