Carex appressa
Carex appressa
Carex appressa, or Tall Sedge, is a robust, clump-forming perennial sedge in the family Cyperaceae, native to Australia. Commonly found along watercourses, wetlands, and in seasonally damp areas, this large, erect tussock grows up to 1.2 meters tall. Its bright green, arching blades have rough edges and a distinct fold along the midrib, giving the leaves a characteristic V-shaped cross-section.
From September to November, Carex appressa produces dense spikelets of flowers composed of small brown bracts, clustered at the ends of long, angular flowering stems with three flat edges. These angled stems, a distinctive feature of the species, support the spikelets, which develop into yellow-brown, oval-shaped dry fruits a few millimeters in size.
Tall Sedge thrives in moist to waterlogged soils, tolerating full sun to partial shade. It is commonly found throughout Australia in riparian zones, wet depressions, and floodplains. This makes it an excellent choice for riparian restoration, wetland rehabilitation, and waterway stabilization. Additionally, Carex appressa provides habitat and food for aquatic and semi-aquatic wildlife, supporting biodiversity.
The species is distinguishable from Carex tereticaulis, which has cylindrical flowering stems, and from other Carex species as they usually support branched flowers. Historically, its leaves were used by First Nations people in basket weaving, adding cultural significance to its ecological and aesthetic value.
With its adaptability, low-maintenance nature, and ecological contributions, Carex appressa is a versatile choice for native gardens, rain gardens, wetland restoration, and biodiversity-focused landscaping projects.